Itchy skin? 3 tips to help reduce your skin-tantrums.
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Itchy skin? 3 tips to help reduce your skin-tantrums.

Expecting a tell-all-exposé on how to stop scratching your sensitive skin? Sadly, think again.

If it was that easy, we'd take more notice of the people who suggest 'have you tried just not scratching?' And pigs would probably fly.

Unfortunately the skin has a mind of its own, and might itch whether we like it or not. BUT — and I'm gonna hold your hand and say this — your current routine might be making you itchi-er.

Tips to help reduce your skin-tantrums: 

1: Check your skincare routine, stat. 

A few things to consider: 

a) Are you overdoing it with the amount of products (and in turn, ingredients) you’re using? 

b) Could your routine contain irritating ingredients like the below:

- Sulfates
- Fragrances
- Salicylates
- Animal derived ingredients
- Nuts, soy + gluten

c) Is your routine actually dermatologically tested?

Scrap words like ‘dermatologist approved’ or ‘hypoallergenic’. Derma-tested means it’s been through rigorous testing and then approved by dermatologists. Much more official. 


2: Use an eczema-friendly shower routine. 

The first step on ‘how to stop scratching your eczema’ is, your shower routine. Yah huh. 

That boiling hot shower that you’re hoping will wash away the day’s dramas, is probs adding to them.

If you have sensitive skin, here what to do: 

a) Remove products in your routine that have harsh ingredients. These will just aggravate and dry you out, big time. Ditch things like parabens, sulfates and fragrances.

b) Stop with the piping hot shower. Cry. Not a fun tip, but they can make skin real angry. Opt for lukewarm if you can.

c) Give yourself time after the shower. Wait at least 15 minutes before applying your moisturiser and skincare. Hot water can trigger itchy, dry-ness — so we need to let the skin cool.


Use products for itchy, sensitive skin: 

We can’t cure skin conditions, but our whole range has been designed for mild eczema-prone skin without common irritants.

Yours Only CLEAN: A face, body and hair cleanser that cleans, without giving your sensitive skin that super dryyyy feeling. It is the best dermatologically tested cleanser in Australia. But we might be biased. 

Yours Only MASK: Ever wondered ‘how to stop my scalp from itching?’ Here’s how. This scalp, body and hair mask lifts itchy flakes, soothes the skin underneath, works as a hair mask — and also can be used as a deep body moisturiser. 

Yours Only SLEEK: Our fave conditioner and shaving cream. No common irritants added that might flare up sensitive bodies. 


So, what skincare should I be using? 

Great question. We have the best dermatologically tested, Australian made skincare for sensitive skin right here. 

CLEAN: Remember that cleanser I told you about? Wash with Yours Only CLEAN to not irritate your picky skin.

COAT: This best-selling Yours Only COAT moisturiser is known to soothe angry flare ups.

BALM: Dealing with itchy lips, cracked hands, or wondering how to soothe your dry skin? Use the Yours Only lip + body BALM. Loved by thousands (including us).


3: Look at other factors causing itchy skin

Ok so you’ve up-rooted your shower and skincare routine — now what? 

Firstly, find a trusted professional to work with. Like an integrated GP or dermatologist who can help you along your journey. 

Next? Check these tidbits.

1. Materials. Find you’re wearing a lot of wool, polyester, or scratchy stuff? Swap it out for linen, bamboo, or breathable materials.

2. Book in with an allergist, stat. Exploring whether you are allergic or intolerant to any foods, is a huge one.

3. Gut health. The gut and skin are SO connected. Consider working with a naturopath to see if anything internally needs to be balanced.