Subscription service
We now offer a subscription service for those wanting a top-up every 1, 2, 3, or 6 months. The more frequent your order, the higher the discount offering:
Every month: 14%
Every second month: 13%
Every third month: 12%
Every fourth month: 11%
Every six months: 10%
Who are subscriptions for?
We only recommend people who have used our products to subscribe. As sensitive humans, you want to ensure your love the products before committing to multiple payment cycles.
How do I access my subscription details?
Log into your account, then click ‘subscriptions’ — you will see all of your details there.
What payment methods do you accept for subscriptions?
We only offer credit card payments through credit card for this service. PayPal and AfterPay don’t like subscriptions.
Can I change the products in my subscription program at any time?
You sure can! All changes can be made within your account.
Can I push back the date of my subscription?
Yep, you can do this in your account too. If you need help, simply email
Can I cancel my subscription at any time?
You are locked into your subscription for two payment cycles. If you want to change it, please email us at If your order has already been processed and sent, we can’t make amendments. If you want to return your products due to change of mind, you can only do this once you have gone through two payment cycles — you will need pay for postage as per our return terms and conditions.
I can't seem to access my account.
We moved website platforms on October 17 2023, so you if you haven't already logged into your account, you might need to reactivate it. If you have any issues, email us at