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Article: Sophie Ferguson – Why is it so bloody hard to get answers to your gut issues?

Sophie Ferguson – Why is it so bloody hard to get answers to your gut issues?

Sophie Ferguson – Why is it so bloody hard to get answers to your gut issues?

When it comes to your gut health, it’s so hard to know which specialist to see first, and Soph tells us why.

The lovely Sophie Ferguson from sunny Bondi, Sydney is bit of a jack of all trades, and has been going through a lot of health issues, especially with the gut. When chatting to Soph, Ash saw so much of herself in her – a busy woman, working lots with gut issues she couldn’t get to the bottom of. She partied a lot when she was younger, and is starting to step away from that now as she is working full time as the social media producer for Better Homes & Gardens, is a mat Pilates instructor and host of her own podcast High Tides and Salty Vibes where she interviews local creatives doing cool things.

Here’s a summary of what we spoke about:

  • What Soph was like growing up, and how she was constantly bullied
  • How being bullied shaped her health journey
  • Her health journey from childhood until now
  • Her current food intolerances
  • The symptoms she can’t get to the bottom of
  • How she’s altered her lifestyle due to these health battles
  • Her advice for those in the same boat
  • Advice on how to manage unresolved symptoms
  • Tips to manage flare ups with a busy schedule
  • And more!

“When my symptoms are really bad, my anxiety gets out of control and vice versa. If I see a photo and it triggers a memory, my gut instantly drops and I feel sick in the stomach – it’s so linked.”

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